5 Things You Need to Know About Yoga

5 Things You Need to Know About Yoga

Posted by Valka Yoga on

Practising yoga on NZ designed cork yoga mat

I. Practising yoga won't change your life

You can practice yoga for years but it doesn't mean it has or will change your life. You can step on the mat and practice all that yoga is about; breathe, letting go, awareness, acceptance, patience, love, etc. But if you step off the mat thinking that's enough and not adapt what you do on the mat into your everyday life... nothing will change.

II. There is no right or wrong way to be a yogi

Do you practice yoga? Isn't that enough? You don't need to practice for hours everyday, look good in tights, be calm all time, have the latest gear, go to yoga festivals, be vegan, have a house a full of crystals... let go what you think what a yogi should do or be. Just practice yoga. Being a 'yogi' or not is irrelevant. 

III. Yoga teachers are normal people

There is this illusion that all yoga teachers have their shit together. That they are always calm and are a pillar of strength. Most of us put them on a pedestal which is unfair as you've set this unrealistic expectation they are just unable to meet. Yoga teachers get angry, sad, frustrated, disappointed, jealous, stressed... they feel the same emotions we do. So if you rock up to class and your yoga teacher is having a bad day... don't judge, just hold space for them - like they do for you.

IV. Not being flexible when you start is an advantage

This is one of the most common reasons that keep people from starting yoga or continuing their practice. Yes, if you are flexible it would make your practice much easier but wouldn't you then miss the point of yoga? Isn't yoga about letting go of what you've been holding do... physically and mentally? You need discomfort (not pain) to learn and grow. If you were flexible it would be easy to do the poses... but it would be harder work to try and connect to the deeper work that needs to be done.

V. A home practice is more important than going to class

Don't get me wrong. I love a yoga class. You learn new poses/sequences, learn correct alignments so you don't get injured, meet new like-hearted people, great atmosphere... so many great things. But what if your class is cancelled? Or your yoga buddy stops going to class? What if your favourite yoga teacher leaves the studio? Or your yoga studio closes down? What if your work hours change and can't make your regular class? Or you can no longer afford to go to class? What if your kids are sick? Or you move away? Things change. Would you stop practising yoga if you can't make class? You can't rely on classes to keep up your yoga practice. Develop a home practice and then you can take it with you anywhere. Even if your studio closes down, you move, you go travelling, you can't afford it... whatever it is, you won't need to give up your practice.

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